McManus Brothers
Surfacing and Plant Hire
0044 (0) 28 9447 3399

It is the aim and objective of McManus Brothers to eliminate , so far as reasonably practicable, all and any risks to the Health, Safety and Welfare of its employees, and any and all other persons who may be affected by their operations, activities, acts or omissions. It is the companies intention to ensure compliance with any and all statutory provisions and duties of employers to employees, and any and all others as laid out and specified in the Health and Safety at Work Order (NI) 1978, The Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (General Applications) Regulations 2007(ROI), and any and all relevant Health and Safety regulations and legislation as appropriate and applicable. 

Thus, McManus Brothers will:

  • Conduct any and all operations and activities in such a manner so as to ensure, so far as reasonably practicable, those persons in the employ of McManus Brothers are not affected or exposed to hazards or risk.
  • Provide, maintain so far as reasonably practicable a working environment/place that is safe and without risk to to health and safety and provide adequate facilities and arrangements for the welfare of employees and sub-contractors in McManus Brothers control at work.
  • Conduct and carry out activities in such a manner so as to ensure so far as reasonably practicable that the environment is protected against hazards and harm in compliance with Statutory Environmental Provisions, Regulations and Directives.
  • Provide and maintain Systems of Work and Plant which are, so far as reasonably practicable, safe and without hazard or risk to health.
  • Ensure, so far as reasonably practicable, that any area or place of work under McManus Brothers control is maintained in a condition that is safe, and without risk to health and safety. Also McManus Brothers will endeavor to ensure, so far as reasonably practicable that safe and secure means of access and egress to and from the workplace is maintained.
  • Make arrangements for ensuring, so far as reasonably practicable, the safety and the absence of risk to health and safety in connection with the use of, handling of, storage of and transport of substances or articles hazardous to health.
  • Adopt and promote an accident prevention culture, ensuring that accidents/incidents, and occupational ill health are investigated, monitored and where necessary ensure that appropriate remedial actions are taken to to prevent re-occurrence or escalation.
  • Provide all information, instruction, training and supervision as necessary, to ensure the health and safety of employees so far as reasonably practicable.
  • McManus Brothers will ensure, so far as reasonably practicable that all items and articles designed, manufactured, supplied by them will be designed and manufactured so as to be safe and without risk or harm to the health and safety of employees/others when used properly.
  • McManus Brothers will ensure to carry out all relevant testing and examinations as may be required to check the above performance of the above statement (9).
  • Review and revise its policy on Health and Safety annually or at such times that may be necessary due to changes in systems of work or activities or as new legislation or amendments dictates.
  • Provide at Induction stage a copy of this policy to all employees. A fuller more detailed Policy will be made available in all McManus Brothers crewbus as well as being maintained at the Head office for viewing and will be available on request.
  • Comply with all relevant standards, ie: Irish, British, European, International that apply in regards to Health , Safety and Welfare.
  • Use and incorporate any and all available Approved Codes of Practice(ACoPs) when available and specific to McManus Brothers operations and activities.
  • To comply with all and every statutory Acts, Orders, Regulations, and any and all instruments and Directives as administered and sanctioned by the Health and Safety Authority (HSA Ireland), Health and Safety Executive (HSE UK and NI) and any other regulations or directives set down by the EU or other relevant authorities.
  • To provide and carry out relevant Risk Assessments on work activities, methods, systems in use, plant and equipment to ensure full compliance with any and all relevant regulations.
  • Provide appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) along with all relevant information on risks to health and safety and preventative measures along with adequate training and supervision along with monitoring and employee assessment to ensure the employees are competent to carry out their duties in a safe manner.  
  • Revise and renew any and all necessary safe systems of work and monitor results.
  • Review yearly, or as necessary any procedures put in place to ensure the health and safety of personnel.
  • Provide and if necessary update any and all information, training, instruction given to ensure full compliance with the Statutory regulations.
  • Ensure that all Health and safety matters are addressed at health and safety committee meetings and findings addressed to all employees where relevant.
  • Promote and encourage the involvement of all employees at all levels within McManus Brothers to be active in the health and safety, welfare and environmental practices and procedures as laid out in the H&S management system.
  • Provide adequate resources to maintain and further develop as well as implement effective Health and Safety Management System to the highest standard.
  • McManus Brothers are committed to continuous improvement in its Health and Safety Management and its Health and Safety Management Systems.
Danny McManus & Eugene McManus